Break negative thoughts, brainwash yourself to success like Dr. Joe Dispenza
Have you ever wondered if thoughts and emotions can create a reality of life? If you have done it, then getting to know Dr. Joe Dispenza is an opportunity that should not be missed.
But, before we get into how to brainwash oneself to success, let’s first discover about Dr. Joe Dispenza.
Dr. Joe Dispenza is an author, speaker, and researcher known for his work in neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics. Through his groundbreaking and inspiring work, Dr. Joe discovers the amazing power of mind-body connections and how they are harnessed to transform our lives.
Epigenetics is research showing that stress can alter gene expression, which can lead to a number of health problems. Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at its most fundamental level with the principle that energy comes in indivisible packages.
Mind-body is the relationship between a person’s thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors and physical health.
The question that comes to mind today may be, how can thoughts and emotions be able to create such a big change? According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, the secret lies in our brain’s ability to adapt. By changing our thoughts and emotions, we can forge new neural pathways in the brain, leading to a complete transformation of our reality.
Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches us about the concept of Brainwash for success. But don’t get me wrong, Brainwash here is not to change people’s minds forcibly as in the traditional sense. The meaning here is to empower us to let go of the confines of negative thoughts and doubts that often prevent us from achieving our desires.
In this brainwash process, Dr. Joe Dispenza explains that we can consciously actively reshape neural pathways in our brains. That way, we can create a new life reality full of abundance, love, and opportunity. Here are the points that can be underlined to attract success by harnessing the power of thoughts and emotions.
1. Repetitive thoughts turn into strong beliefs that make our brains accustomed to automatic behavior.
The power of repetitive thoughts can be a good thing but it can be a dangerous thing too. Positive thoughts can make us creative and want to build something new. However, persistent negative thoughts become harmful, usually related to self-esteem and self-capabilities. Such thoughts can become beliefs embedded in the subconscious mind, influencing behavior, experiences, and emotions. To change this thought pattern, it is necessary to be aware of the thoughts and beliefs that exist in the subconscious mind. Although this process may feel uncomfortable and unfamiliar, it is essential for growth and change. By consciously choosing new thoughts and beliefs, we can change our thought patterns and create positive changes in our lives.
Automatic behavior is behavior that arises spontaneously involuntarily, without being consciously controlled, or censored
2. Change requires awareness and challenge to negative thoughts and beliefs .
Awareness means being aware of the thoughts that arise in our minds, especially thoughts that are negative or feel that we have limitations. Sometimes we are not even aware of the negative thought patterns running in the background of our minds. Being aware of these thoughts is the first step in the change process. After becoming aware of negative thoughts, the next step is to challenge them. Negative beliefs are powerful thought patterns that affect the way we see ourselves and the world around us. These beliefs may come from past experiences, influences from the environment, or doubts about oneself. Challenging negative beliefs involves questioning their truth and seeking a more positive perspective.
3. Stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing uncertainty is crucial for transformation
When we want to encounter change, we must be prepared to face discomfort and new things. Getting out of your comfort zone and determined to get into a new zone is a little scary, just like leaving a seat in the stands and playing on the match field. Our minds will look for changes around, but when it turns out that nothing is different, we tend to revert to old ways of thinking and behavior. To truly change, we must be aware of the thoughts that are beneath our consciousness and never let them control us again. This process involves reconditioning our bodies and minds, breaking old habits, and deliberately choosing new thoughts and beliefs.
And to create sustainable change, we must consistently change the connections in our brains. By focusing on new thoughts and intentions, the circuits in our brains begin to change and become stronger. New beliefs continue to grow and work automatically through repetition. It’s important to instill positive beliefs about self-worth, love, and abundance, especially when times get tough. If not, we can return to old thought patterns filled with negative thoughts. Practicing visualizing how well we should behave in a situation can reinforce the change we are working for. Ultimately, it takes constant effort and dedication to successfully reprogram our minds and transform our lives.
4. Mental exercises can retrain the brain and help handle challenging situations
Our brains can’t tell the difference between reality and imagination. When we visualize something, our brain responds as if it were actually happening. This means that we can use our minds to create new realities. If we want to achieve something, we can visualize ourselves achieving it, and our brain will help us to find a way to achieve it in reality.
For example, if we want to succeed in career, we can imagine ourselves succeeding in the job we dream of. We can imagine ourselves being promoted, earning higher salaries, and being respected by peers. When we imagine this consistently, our brain will begin to believe that it is possible. And when our brains believe that something is possible, we’re more likely to take the necessary actions to make it happen.
By practicing this process every day, either through meditation or recognizing thoughts and emotions, it can condition the body to feel the desired future emotions. This will keep us away from overthinking, insecure, and also lonely. Instead, we will feel that times are calm, and optimistic.
This approach has been shown to have a significant impact on metabolism and body biology, even in trivial environments. The point is to understand that thoughts influence choices, behaviors, experiences, and emotions, ultimately shaping reality.
5. An elevated emotional state can signal genes for positive changes in the body.
Positive emotions can change the body and brain. When we feel happy, joyful, and optimistic, our bodies release hormones that help nourish the body and mind. Hormones and neurotransmitters, these can also improve brain function, making us more creative and productive.
To get the maximum benefit of positive emotions, we need to practice them consistently. We can do this by doing things that make us happy, such as spending time with loved ones, doing fun activities, and being grateful for the things we have, no matter how small.
By practicing positive emotions consistently, we can create a cycle of positive change and transformation in life and will certainly make our lives healthier, and happier.
6.Consistency is the key to the process of change in life.
The key to changing our lives is to practice feeling what we want on a regular basis, such as practicing feeling that our wounds and traumas have been healed, abundant, or like our prayers were answered. If we practice feeling this way over and over again, it will eventually become a habit.
Don’t give up if you still slip up and go back to your old ways, negative thinking, pessimistic and feeling lacking, it’s just a sign that you need more practice. The more we practice, the stronger our new habits will be. Even if there hasn’t been a change in your life, don’t be discouraged because the real change is happening inside you. When we change the way we feel, our lives will eventually change in miraculous ways.
“The moment you start feeling abundant and worthy, you are generating wealth. The moment you’re empowered and feel it, you’re beginning to step towards your success. The moment you start feeling whole, your healing begins and when you love yourself and you love all of life, you will create an equal and now you’re causing an effect.” -Dr. Joe Dispenza
Thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a great power to shape our lives. Our repetitive thoughts and thought patterns can lead to the formation of beliefs, which then drive our behaviors, experiences, and emotions.
Dr. Joe Dispenza stresses the importance of being aware of our subconscious thoughts and beliefs to bring about positive changes in our lives. Repetitive negative thoughts can be detrimental and lead to self-sabotage. However, by consciously examining and challenging these thoughts, we can create new neural pathways in the brain and change our beliefs.
If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Joe Dispenza’s methods, try reading his book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” in which he teaches techniques that can be used to break away from negative thoughts and habits that are preventing you from achieving the desired life. He also shows how we can create new thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that will lead us to success. Apart from books, you can visit Dr.Joe Dispenza’s YouTube channel or find him on several podcasts on Youtube. You will learn many things about how you can create your own reality and achieve your goals.
The author believes that Dr. Dispenza’s method can help us all to change lives for the better. If we are willing to work hard and commit, we can achieve anything we want.